Thursday, December 18, 2008

December 2008 - A verandah filled with the Christmas Spirit!

Check out the view from our new verandah and the flourishing vegie patch :) Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Shed at 15th October 2008

A big thanks to Chris and Cass for coming down to help us out - we now have a mezzanine storage level to keep all our stuff out of the way. Also this means we have rooves on the bathroom and bedroom which is excellent news!! Chris and Pete also cut a window into the shed - so we have one window, and will have a few more when we have a few spare minutes to cut them in!! All going well though - lovely weather down here and the veggies are growing well in the garden!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

16th August 2008 - The Bonfire

So with the help of Simon and Gra we had our bonfire - burnt our big elm stump. It was a sad day for Sim and Loz to see their old treehouse disappear....but we had a drink or two or three to toast the end of the elm tree. Pete cooked our first meal on our block - a lovely lamb stew... and our new buds Cathy and George and their kids came round to help us eat it all (I think the kids came to torment the dog!!)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday 30th July 2008

It's all happening! We have some cladding on....should be finished this weekend! YEAH!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday 28th July 2008

Hi - it's all happening!! Our good mates Tom and Dave were given weekend passes (thanks heaps Nik and Nat and Indie for letting your fellas come down and help out!!) and came down to help us - we got heaps done - battens on the inside, and as you can see, we put up the framework for the bedroom and if we can just work on the outside wall sheeting!!! Fingers crossed..

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday 15th July 2008

So we are braced and framed, and I think the shed would survive the 100 year flood, 100 year drought and a dozen cyclone Traceys!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Early May 2008 - Framed up!

We've been framed!!!! The fellas were busy this week........ and in the middle of a drought, we had 9.5 mils on Thursday night, turning the area into a bog hole..... Murphy's law.