Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday 30th July 2008

It's all happening! We have some cladding on....should be finished this weekend! YEAH!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday 28th July 2008

Hi - it's all happening!! Our good mates Tom and Dave were given weekend passes (thanks heaps Nik and Nat and Indie for letting your fellas come down and help out!!) and came down to help us - we got heaps done - battens on the inside, and as you can see, we put up the framework for the bedroom and if we can just work on the outside wall sheeting!!! Fingers crossed..

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday 15th July 2008

So we are braced and framed, and I think the shed would survive the 100 year flood, 100 year drought and a dozen cyclone Traceys!!!